Crystal Lake Packs
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In the land of the crystal lake there are 8 crystals. fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, ice and lightning. each pack has a crystal, but each is jealous of each others power. What will happen? Peace.. or chaos! You decide!
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TotM - December
Reyth     Facebook Page 17-89~~~~~~~~~~~ Reyth has probably been the only member who actively visits each week! They are an excellent RPer, and are very kind towards other members. Say Congrats! 
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Owner Luna Fang Facebook Page 1-812 ~~~~~~~~ Co-Owner/Admin Ember Facebook Page Rsz_3-10 ~~~~~~~~~ Admin Fenrir Facebook Page 22-1410
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» The Shadow Lurkers Pack
Facebook Page Icon_minitime4/27/2014, 5:07 pm by Crystal

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Facebook Page Icon_minitime4/25/2014, 9:27 pm by Luna Fang

» UPDATE as of 12-5-2013
Facebook Page Icon_minitime4/25/2014, 8:55 pm by Crystal

» The Feral Cats
Facebook Page Icon_minitime3/24/2014, 10:27 am by Ash

» wolves vs cougars forest
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» THE CASCADES; a silver brumby rp [jcink]
Facebook Page Icon_minitime2/10/2014, 6:44 pm by Guest

» Return to the Den
Facebook Page Icon_minitime1/17/2014, 6:27 pm by Fenrir

» Zoo Animal's!
Facebook Page Icon_minitime1/16/2014, 9:12 pm by Luna Fang

» Alphabet Soup!
Facebook Page Icon_minitime1/14/2014, 10:04 pm by Fenrir


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Luna Fang
Luna Fang

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Join date : 2013-04-30
Age : 29

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PostSubject: Facebook Page   Facebook Page Icon_minitime11/3/2013, 12:30 am

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